Meet Paula
Paula Y. Martin is an RCI Certified Relationship Coach and Conflict Resolution Expert who serves clients world-wide. She has practiced relationship coaching and conflict resolution with families, businesses, organizations, corporations and in court mediations (including divorce cases) since June of 2005. She is registered with the state of Georgia as a Business, Civil, General and Domestic Mediator and with FINRA as a Public Arbitrator Panelist. Paula also has a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Management Information Systems and exercised problem solving techniques throughout her 9 year career in the corporate setting as a Systems Engineer and Client Support Specialist.
Paula believes and has experienced the lasting, valuable, personal and cultural benefits of "keeping the family together" even when times are tough! She says "people thrive best, are happier all around, more successful and able to develop better relationships in society when they have a loving, supportive, reliable mate, within a connected relationship at home, where they practice relationship skills for life”!
Paula is committed to providing effective tools, techniques and support to individuals or couples wanting to create this close connection mainly because of the valuable lessons learned from her parent's 67 years of a non-perfect, but love-filled marriage. Paula also learned solid lessons on the importance of “loving people through imperfection” in childhood experiences, functioning as the last of 7 siblings in her family.
Paula has been married to the love of her life for 32 years, and they have 2 beautiful adult children, 1 “son-in-love” and 1 precious grandchild.
So goes the marriage, so goes the family,
so goes society!
Paula Y. Martin